Patient Rights and Responsibilities
We are committed to maintaining the rights, dignity, and well-being of our patients. The office does not discriminate against any individual regardless of race, color, religious creed, gender, gender identity or expression, genetic information, sexual orientation, age, disability, veteran or active military status, marital status or national origin, ethnicity, citizenship, or immigration status.
The Patient Has The Right:
- To be treated in a caring, safe and compassionate way.
- To receive timely, complete, and accurate information.
- To know the name of those providing care.
- To say yes or no to treatment as allowed by law.
- To ask questions about what is happening and why.
- To have things explained in their preferred language.
- To have privacy (within the capacity of the facility) when being examined or when talking to a health care provider.
- To be evaluated and treated for pain.
- To review and request medical records, as allowed by law.
- To get timely responses to questions or concerns.
- To know how health information is used and shared.
You have the right to voice your concerns and/or complaints regarding the quality of care and/or services you have received. Voicing a concern or complaint will in no way compromise your access to care or treatment.
- If you have a concern or feel your rights have not been respected, contact:
- the Office Manager at 508-485-3665
- Commonwealth of Massachusetts Board of Registration in Medicine
200 Harvard Mill Square
Wakefield, MA 01880
Tel: 781-876-8200
Consumer Hotline: 800-377-0550 - Department of Public Health Bureau of Health Care Safety and Quality Complaint Intake Unit
99 Chauncy Street, Second Floor
Boston, MA 02111
Tel: 800-462-5540or 617-753-8000
The Patient Has The Responsibility:
- To work together with health care providers on the plan of care.
- To let health care providers know if you want family or others involved in care and decision making.
- To share information about health history, any changes in health, and current symptoms.
- To share information about current and past medications, including vitamins, herbs and/or alternative medicines or treatments.
- To talk about any allergies or reactions to medications.
- To tell health care providers if you don’t understand or think you will not be able to do what is being asked.
- To speak and act in a respectful manner. Using discriminatory or culturally insensitive language or behaviors is not acceptable. Yelling, verbal threats or physical harm to other patients, staff or property is not acceptable.
- To keep the office smoke-free by following the No Smoking Policy.
- To give the office information they need about payment of medical care.
- To ask questions before leaving the office about medications, activities, and follow-up care.
- To maintain the confidentiality of staff and other patients by not taking cell phone pictures or audio/video recordings.
For privacy concerns, you may also contact:
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
200 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20201
Tel: 877-696-6775
Make An Appointment
To schedule an appointment, please call (508) 485-3665 OR Make an Appointment Request online.
We are currently accepting new patients and referrals.